Friday, November 05, 2010

Baptism ~ The work of Jennifer Hudson

I was browsing thru Pedro Meyer's Zone Zero website and came across the stunning work of Jennifer Hudson. I am happy to share it as I marvel at her imagination, creativity and technical skill. These photographs are so dense with meaning and composition... one could spend hours mediating on their intent.

In her words...

"Baptism is a personal, intimate exploration of a young woman’s journey through the life altering experience of spiritual re-awakening. Re-born into a vapid landscape in need of
re-structure and human affection, and torn by the comforts of her past life, the empowered woman is moved to toil her new spiritual soil to create a habitable place for her new found faith to grow. We celebrate with her in worship, where she has found rest and whispers quiet praises. We then bear witness to the painful, frightening surrender of the former self, and the desperation to reach her once again. We follow her heartfelt journey of guilt and transgression, temptation, desperation, prayer, commitment, and true grace.

This work is an illustration of complexity, adversity, agony, and triumph in the ongoing battle of the mysteries of human faith and Sacrifice."


  1. amazing...thank you so much for sharing these. ...just passing through hehehe

  2. Wow. Those are amazing...very visual. I like them.
