New Orleans Photo Alliance is an artist-run nonprofit, which formed after Hurricane Katrina to showcase and celebrate photographic arts.
As a new organization, they have had incredible support from the arts community. I have a piece from my Chiapas portfolio that was accepted into a show, "ODD WORKS," which was curated by David Rubin of the San Antonio Museum of Art. The exhibit opened on Saturday night.

I had hoped on traveling there for the opening but with the upcoming election I felt that my time would be better spent canvassing for Obama. This Saturday, I found myself in Hammond, Indiana. As someone said, Illinois is like the hole in the donut...all the surrounding states are up for grabs. I decided to make my way to all 4 states. So far I have done Kalamazoo, Michigan; Iowa City, Iowa; and Hammond, Indiana. Next weekend it will be Wisconsin. If you are interested in helping out, click
In canvassing 8 short blocks in Hammond, Indiana I kept thinking about how we are going to take back this country, house by house, block by block, vote by vote.
There is definitely a ground swell of people who realize this election needs each and every one of us to turn the tide of the last eight years.