Gyre, is an 8′ x 11′ triptych based on the famous Japanese painting, “The Great Wave off Kanagawa” by Hokusai. Instead of paint, the colors are composed of 2.4 million pieces of plastic - the estimated number of pounds of plastic that enter the world’s ocean’s every hour! Gyre is named after the Pacific Gyre, a thousand miles wide ocean current which turns clockwise like a giant slow-motion whirlpool and concentrates tons of the world’s trash.

All of the plastic in the image was collected from the Pacific Ocean. The following images are zoomed in to give perspective.

Jordan states on his website, "So my hope is that these photographs can serve as portals to a kind of cultural self-inquiry. It may not be the most comfortable terrain, but I have heard it said that in risking self-awareness, at least we know that we are awake. "
Good JOB....JANE ...for the posting
...I will share it with my friends too.
Best regards,
Robert Lau
amazing. this really needs to be in the public eye!
The art created from plastic found in the ocean blows me away on so many levels! The art, the junk, the vast ocean filled with man's debris... a gyre. Wow.
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