The main food market in Mexico City , La Merced Market, is one of the biggest on the planet. Driving there was a challenge. What was normally supposed to take 10 minutes of travel time took a full hour, so we had to literally race thru the market as many stalls were closing down. We were instructed by Rick to stay close and follow. It was a great photographic experience for me as there was NO THINKING time, just reacting.

The market area is also known for flagrant prostitution in which women can be seen soliciting at all hours of the day and night.
Merced is considered to be a “tolerance zone” for prostitution, meaning that police generally do not intervene. Prostitution exists in just about all parts of Mexico City but it is most obvious here.

more to follow....
Those are some beautiful images Jane, even if you were rushed. They bring the sights, sounds and (especially) the smells of the marketplace right back to me. Thank you.
Great - love each one and waiting for more. Envious, Yvette
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