My brother made a toast to my Mother that I would like to share...
"When I told people I was coming to Chicago for my mothers 90th and that both my parents were alive at 90 and still active, everyone, without exception, said “you are so lucky.” Yes we’re so lucky. I cannot think of another word for it. We are so fortunate that here I am the youngest of 4 children and at 57 to have our parents in our world and in our lives. It feels like a blessing that is beyond compare. It is truly priceless and it is something to know one’s blessings. And I think knowing one’s blessing has been a true gift and legacy from Mom. Although she has lived with inarguably tremendous abundance, there has never been a moment that she seems to have taken it for granted. She has always been deeply, deeply appreciative and has never let a day go by where she didn’t say to herself and everyone else how luck we are. And I feel that deeply tonight. This is what you wish for. This is the good stuff. This is what matters. Without this, the rest of it just doesn’t matter very much. To be here tonight is a blessing beyond measure. It feels tremendously abundant and we appreciate it... and we appreciate Mom on her birthday and all that she has given us and that she is still giving to us today."
My Mother's birthday ALWAYS falls during the annual Perseid Meteor Shower on August 11th and 12th. It is an amazing late summer night display of awe and wonder...and a reminder of how the world continues to work in mysterious ways.
breathtaking photo--not the perseids, and all around beautiful post.
Happy Birthday to all!
It's always good to hear about people who keep their enthusiasm for life into old age. That's exactly how long I want to live... as long as I can keep loving it!
And I can't believe I missed the Perseid AGAIN this year. Gah!
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