Wednesday, September 29, 2010

On Balance...Hubertus von der Goltz

The Encounter by Hubertus von der Goltz is an amazing piece. Each time I view it, it has different meaning for me. I finally decided to learn more about it and to my surprise, I had only been seeing on half of the piece! The work was created and installed atop the Maple Avenue Garage for the City of Evanston in December 2009. Created by artist Hubertus von der Goltz, The Encounter features two figures delicately balancing and moving toward each other.

Not having seen the second figure, I was thinking about how life...every moment, hour, day, week and a balancing act.
Keeping the mind, body and spirit in a state of equilibrium each and every day is a balancing act.

"Keep The Balance", 2009, Sculpture Project for Riverside Landscaping Belt at World Expo 2010, Shanghai, China

On his website Hubertus von der Goltz states..

"In the distance on a building high above, a man tries to maintain his balance along a narrow steel beam. Both him and the beam seem somewhat superfluous to the structure of the building. Why is he up there and what is he doing? Our pulse quickens in respond to the spectacle above, and gives us cause to question the man`s sanity. Hubertus von der Goltz´s two-dimensional silhouettes can only sustain this deception momentarily, however, and the drama of the situation finally gives way to reality.

Balance is at the core of Hubertus von der Goltz´s work. The subtly rendered gestures and postures of his figures are poised to reflect the allegorical possibilities which balance suggests. The rise and fall of mankind are contained in their lofty heights, precarious disposition, and enduring stance. His figures are powerful, concise symbols, epitomizing the trials and tribulations of human existence."

"On The Way" Drielanden, Harderwijk, 2005, Netherlands

Auf dem Weg", Binningen, Basel, 2008, Schweiz

The Encounter, Sculpture for Evanston Illinois by H.v.d. Goltz from Peter Hartel on Vimeo.

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