Wednesday, January 04, 2012

How Photographers Spend Their Time

click chart to enlarge

This chart was created by A Photo Editor and I thought it was very telling. It also made me feel better as I have been lamenting on how I haven't been able to work on my encaustics since leaving the Ragdale residency. There are many facets being an artist and they are all equally important. It is lovely to create wonderful work but if it just sits in your studio, the cycle is not fulfilled. It must be seen by others. What are you doing to get your work seen?

1 comment:

Stephanie Clayton said...

This is very telling; quite true for professional artists working in any media. I never understood why people assume an artist creates art 8 hours a day. Then somehow the work magically gets inventoried, promoted, exhibited, sold, shipped, etc., not to mention the administrative work involved.

This year, plans to get my work "out there" include more promoting, submissions, exhibitions...among other things. Last year, I let that slide.

Good post!